Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Call me Hermana Santana: I am going to be a missionary

Hello Everyone!
I am so Excited tomorrow I will be reporting to the MTC in Dominican Republic, I am so excited. I think I said that but well remember all I love you and I will miss you.

I have been packing!
I AM SO TIRED!! but the good thing is that I am so excited to go and serve the lord I haven't post my farewell talk so here I go:

Good afternoon Brothers and Sister

I want to start reading a Scripture in Mark 16:15 and said And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and apreach the bgospel to every ccreature. This was when Jesus Christ was resurrected and he told the apostle to preach the gospel. As we want to fallow the example of Jesus Christ, we should to preach and be example for others. As everyone know on October of last year The President of the church change the mission age, I was 18 at the time and  I start thinking if that was the right thing for me to do. I feel like heavenly Father has told me that I should serve a mission. It was decision that I was going to change my life but I knew with all my heart that it was the right decision. Now in 10 day people will call me Hermana Santana Because I have been called to serve a mission to preach the gospel in Dominican Republic Santiago mission. I am so bless to share the gospel in the country that I am from just a few hours from my home.

When we experience the blessing of living the gospel, naturally we wish to share the blessing with others. So we need to remember that everyone is a missionary and it is our duty to share our believes with those that need it and seek for the truth. We should all be missionaries even if we are not formally call or set apart.  I am going to read a scripture that is in D&C 88:81 Behold, I sent you out to atestify and warn the people, and it becometh every man who hath been warned to bwarn his neighbor. President Spencer W. Kimball Also said we should show our neighbors that we love them before we warn then. There isn't a greatest way to  show our love to our neighbors than sharing the love our father in heaven. The Lord need us more than ever to be instrument in his hand. All of us a contribution to make to this miracle.

Missionary Work is our greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel. While many of us these experiences and lesson may be common to missionary service, each person is unique, with challenges and potential. We have a  Father in Heaven, Who know us- our strengths and weakness, our abilities and potential. He guides us to say what we need to, to touch the life of others. I have an experience though high school one of my friends one day came to me and ask me, Vicmer Why are you so happy all the time, Why are you so patience though trials? I really didn't know what to say but I said I think is because I know I have a father in heaven that loves me, I know this is for a little be of time. I didn't realize this was a missionary opportunity but the good think she didn't stop there. A few week later she ask me again Vicmer Why don't you invite me to church with you ? The point is  We need to be light for other so they can come and seek for those qualities and standards that we have.

It isn't my whole talk but I feel I should I least share I little bit with you
My email: vicmer.santana@myldsmail.com
I will see you in 18 months love you ♥
xoxo Hermana Santana

Friday, August 30, 2013

Call me hermana Santana : Introduction

Hello Everyone!

This is my first post on this new blog. I'm super excited to share my experiences with you while I am preparing and serving for a mission a full time mission at Dominican Republic Santiago Mission.

Here is my story

So after the change of age to go on a mission happened I start thinking if that was the right thing for me to do. I feel like heavenly Father has told me that I should serve a mission. It was  hard decision for me but I knew with all my heart that It was the right decision. So I start doing my paper work with the bishop on May 9.I couldn't  believe the decision that I was taking I was so excited to serve the Lord .I knew that going on a mission was going to change my life and the life of others. There isn't a happiest way to life than sharing what you believe with other and giving all your time to Heavenly Father's work. I got my call on July 25th but I was on Trek with my single ward so I opened it on July 27

All About me

Nick names: BB, vivi
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'2
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite animal: Cat
I trust: In the Lord Jesus Christ, the love God has for all His children, and His restored Church on the Earth today
Least favorite foods: FISH!
What I wants to be when I grows up: A mommy and a Preschool teacher (Love Kids)
Favorite talk: Finding Joy in the Journey

xoxo Hermana Santana